Chapter 5 “One of these days they will be forced to let me go!” Claire mumbled as she stared at the small photo on her night stand. She understood they wanted to protect her and that they were so overbearingly protective because their parents had died when she was a baby, but that was beside the point. No, that was exactly the point. She had asked her brothers what had happened the day their parents died many times, but both would immediately become somber and refuse to tell her, stating she was too young to know the heartbreaking details. Instead they had made up childish fairy tales. In them her father was always a great hero fighting against a villain worse than any book could describe. Her mother, innocent and pure, a princess of such grace and beauty the villain would have taken her as his own, had her husband not protected her so fervently. In every tale they painted a marvelous picture of her parents fighting again...
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